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Winner - Green Awards
We would like to say a big thank you to all the businesses, councils, communities an individuals who have supported us on our mission to make Ireland greener! A special thanks to the team at Green Awards for your support and recognition!

Hundreds Of Thousands Of Plastic Bottles Saved From Waste So Far
We have installed bottle filling stations across the country in schools, businesses and public spaces. Our installs list includes Dublin Zoo, Malahide Castle, DCU and The Wild Atlantic Way. Our mission is to help businesses and organisation reduce their single use plastic waste in a bid to protect our future and our environment!

Bottle Filling Stations
Our range of indoor and outdoor units.
Our Client Stories
Clients who are saving tens of thousands of plastic bottles from waste!

Play Your Part
From the Hill of Howth to the Wild Atlantic way, From Malahide Castle to Marley Park, From Monaghan Town to the University of Limerick Ecofil is continuing to roll out Water Bottle Filling Stations.
Please play your part, refill your water bottles at our Ecofil Bottle Filling Stations that are being rolled out across the country!
Latest News
Latest updates from the world of bottle filling!

Ecofil Sponsors Dublin Simon Community
In the summer of 2019, Ecofil were happy to be part of the Dragons at the Docks in support of...

Ecofil Sponsors Breast Cancer Ireland
In August of 2019, Ecofil had a splash of a day at the Donegal Dragons Regatta, raising money for Breast Cancer...